we are Mito Group.

And we love clever things. Not the unique atmosphere. Not the fantastic clients and brands. Not the great projects. Nor the fancy awards. Those are just the rewards for doing what we believe in: keeping ourselves and our partners ahead of what’s coming next.

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  • Founded in 2008

    Delivering clever things for more than a decade

  • 250 people

    Steadily evolving with experts from various fields

  • €20M yearly revenue

    Financial stability is being guaranteed by our diversified, global client pool and prudent policies

  • Dozens of awards

    We’re proud of being recognized by numerous festivals and institutions

From product development to communication campaigns, tackling your next big or small issue, regardless of which stage of its lifecycle your brand, product or service is at right now.

Services & Solutions
  • Integrated communication planning, creative development and execution

    • Brand and Comms Strategy
    • Creative Development
    • Social Media Strategy and Content Creation
    • In-house and External Production
    Meet Mito Creative
  • Designing and delivering human-centered digital solutions

    • Digital Channel Design and Development
    • Content Platform Modernization
    • Cloud Migration
    • Cybersecurity Assesment and Strategy
    Copy of PXL_20230420_130904018 (1)
    Meet Mito Digital
  • Boosting and fine-tuning digital performance

    • Performance Media
    • Search Engine Optimization
    • Analytics and Data
    • Content
    Meet Mito Performance
Mito Group leadership
From left to right: Szabolcs Bobor (CEO Mito Digital) Balázs Kovács (Founder) Zita Buják (CEO Mito Performance) Ágnes Lichtmann (COO Mito Group) Albert Farkas (Founder, CEO Mito Group) Balázs Pőcze (Founder, Creative Director) Dániel Kövesházi (CEO Mito Creative) Noémi Herczeg (CEO Mito Next)
Meet our leadership

Founded by 3 people in 2008, an ever growing powerhouse of experts, always looking for a solution. Sometimes it’s the most novel. Sometimes the quickest. The safest. Or the simplest. But always the most clever one. And we’re just as diverse as our solutions. Different individuals, different teams, but one group.

Clients we serve proudly across sectors and regions
View our case studies
Clever Things, Silly People

Clever things,silly people

We are team and family - we sweat and laugh together. We stick around the office till late either to meet a deadline or to crush a boss on our arcade machine. But the strongest bond between us is our passion for what we do.

Publications &Keynotes

All four of our business units work on impactful projects throughout the world. But we tend to show our in skills in various publications and presentations as well. Take a dive into these:

  • Mito Digital
    While there are areas where tireless AI systems have better judgment than us, my question remains: do we need better decisions or do we benefit more from learning from bad decisions?
    Keynote @ Interaction Design, 2023
    by Norbert KrizsánDesign Strategy Advisor @ Mito Digital
  • Mito Performance
    Why and how you should use data-driven content planning and creation to reach your target consumer.
    Keynote @ Internet Hungary, 2021
    by Petra ZsigmondSEO Team Lead @ Mito Performance
  • Mito Creative
    Which personality is best in the the different phases of a creative project.
    Keynote @ Internet Hungary, 2021
    by Gergely MarosiChief Creative Officer @ Mito Creative
  • Mito Next
    What can an intelligent loyalty program do for your company? What is the importance of data integration and how can you create value by knowing your target customer?
    Keynote @ Internet Hungary 2021
    by Tímea Mónika TóthSenior Business Consultant @ Mito Next

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Well, it’s not just a newsletter,

it’s Mito Weekly!

It started out as an in-house circulation of the most interesting links of a week and turned into Mito's weekly newsletter of inspiration and knowledge for all.

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