We are looking for – Business Consultant - Service Designer

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We at Mito Next - Mito’s emerging business solutions unit - love reinventing services, and we do this for customers such as Decathlon, Auchan, Magyar Telekom, Haleon and many others. We are super proud of the things we pull together and have fun while doing it. Our next assignment is: rounding our headcount up with the help of a Business Consultant.

Do you like exploring business needs? Are you comfortable with, or do you at least have some experience with service design methods? Do you think there should be more questions up here to fulfill your thirst for information? Once you have learned something, can you create understanding with your team and other stakeholders through visualization?

Since you have come this far, keep reading, it will be fun!

Your tasks will be…

  • Gathering and deciphering information and mapping out client business needs, a.k.a. diagnosing the business problem. Don’t worry, we have every resource you need in-house, from subject-matter experts to fine-tuned methods and processes.
  • Empathizing with customers: you easily put yourself into other people's shoes and intuitively represent what is best for them. It is a plus if you know how to create personas.
  • Overseeing complex journeys and flows: you will need to be ready to reign and handle multiple threads, process several pieces of information from various sources, and have lunch at the same time, to make it to the next day.
  • Utilizing analytical thinking: You'll need to systematically break down problems into manageable parts, evaluate pros and cons, and organize and interpret data to generate actionable insights. In order to do this, we expect you to have impeccably structured and analytical thinking skills. 
  • Initiating discussions with clients as well as internal teams to make sure everyone is on the same track and there are no misunderstandings between various project storylines.
  • Experimenting with ideas and concepts. Ideally, you’ll have the drive to make things tangible, learn, fail with confidence, and iterate quickly.
  • Creating presentations: Putting complex business concepts and multi-faceted data into a digestible presentation that fits our client’s corporate environment.
  • Co-facilitating cross-functional collaboration via workshops.
  • Asking questions. A lot of them. All the time. (Really. Just keep asking.)

What we expect from you…

  • At least 3-4 years of experience in a digital consultancy role, working with international corporate clients. 
  • Service or strategic UX design experience and general knowledge about its tools and methods.
  • Good English skills in both speaking and writing: You will need them quite often.
  • A customer-centric mindset.
  • An understanding of both agency and client sides and needs.
  • A good grasp of what it means to be a consultant and a project manager simultaneously.
  • A cool head and common sense. Ask questions freely and clearly (remember: ask a lot of them), but also keep your project and clients on the right track: always have the big picture ahead of you.
  • Familiarity with buzzwords like service design, customer journey mapping, UX, content strategy, CRM, marketing automation, customer loyalty, and data science.

Benefits ofworking for us

A hybrid way of working that adapts to your needs and fits your projects as well. You can manage your time quite flexibly, if you do everything the others need, on time.

Our hiring process

  • Our hiring process


    If everything is cool with your resume, we’ll invite you to our office for a quick chat. You’ll meet with one of our colleagues from the People Team, who will introduce you to Mito and all the good stuff you will be part of if you decide to join us. She will be with you throughout the entire process and will assist you with anything you might need. You will have the opportunity to meet with the head of your future department as well. Most importantly, you will get to ask anything you’re curious about, from where our dogs take a nap to what specific tasks we work on for our clients.

  • 02Assessment

    Afterwards, we will give you a test assignment. We do this with everyone, on every level.

  • 03Feedback

    No matter the outcome, we’ll let you know what we think, so we all can learn from the experience. We greatly value your feedback regarding the whole process, so at this point we'll ask you some short but important questions as well.

  • 04Decision

    Just like with the test assignment, we’ll get back to you with our final decision, hopefully with a big and happy yes!

Snapshots from our life

We are team and family - we sweat and laugh together. We stick around the office till late either to meet a deadline or to crush a boss on our arcade machine.

Snapshots from our life
Copy of hackathon
People in a hot tub
A group of people smiling and posing for camera
Crowd watching from a cinema
mito_onboarding_blogpost_img1-1024x683 (1).
Involvement from the strategic level to anything tactical