Deutsche Telekom is a top IoT connector in the transatlantic market that has all the capabilities to turn connectivity into business value for their customers. The only thing left to be done is to make sure their entire target group knows about this.
The story
The Brief
Our task was to develop a creative platform for the communication of IoT connectivity to gain awareness and consideration in the market by showcasing how Deutsche Telekom delivers truly global, superior connectivity.

We built our platform on the notion that the already rapid pace of change has now accelerated to a level never seen before, leading to uncertainties in all aspects of life, forcing decision-makers to constantly transform their businesses in order to become resilient against the unprecedented challenges of this era. And to be able to adapt to the ever-changing economic environment they need a global, reliable IoT connectivity that Deutsche Telekom can provide.
The Platform - Era of Transformation

The Outcome
A customer-centric, content-driven campaign with stunning visuals, which we can connect to the pain points of our diverse target audience, and show relevant case studies to underline how IoT and Deutsche Telekom as IoT connectors can help transform their business.