Our latest project with Telekom helps parents prepare their kids for the threats of cyberspace.
Protecting our children is no easy feat in real life, let alone in the online world. Our latest project with Telekom helps parents prepare their kids for the threats of cyberspace.
As a pioneer of digitalisation, Telekom’s mission is not only to supply the Hungarian public with state-of-the-art devices and digital solutions, but also to raise awareness and educate about their correct use. Digital knowledge is even more important for children, who are most exposed to the dangers of the online world. But, in order to raise digitally aware children, first we need to condition digitally aware parents: tudatosdigitalis.hu has been created for them, so they have something to rely on in a world of panic and misinformation.
The Campaign
Parents usually know how to protect their kids from the dangers of everyday life. If it’s cold outside, don’t forget your scarf and hat; if you go biking, wear a helmet; and so on. However, when it comes to the internet, it seems that they often fail to find the right solutions, as they themselves weren’t raised in this world. Even if they decide to find out more about the subject, falsehoods are more common than useful advice. This is how odd half-measures are born: solutions which are about as useful as giving a child elbow pads before they dive into the swimming pool.
These mismatched parenting practices brought to life the concept of our spot: we depict a grotesque world where parents use swim rings for cycling gear, welding helmets for baking and so on. As whimsically daft as these mums and dads are, when it comes to setting up their kids’ devices, there’s no question that tudatosdigitalis.hu is their go-to guide.